The Old Man and His Penang Durian

by Dato Yunus Raiss

Dedicated to Dato' Zainul Aziz

In the dark of the night with a gentle thud falls the aphrodisiac Durian
The Old Man covers his head with a corrugated iron sheet
Its intoxicating scent is the old man's increasing heat
He looks here, he looks there, for the tantalising seducer by torchlight.

The Old Man covers his head with a corrugated iron sheet
This Old Man says men are naturally polygamous
He looks here, he looks there, for the tantalising seducer by torchlight
Women, men know, are very desirable but instinctively monogamous.

This Old Man says men are naturally polygamous
The Durian easily converted the sagacious Chinese
Women, men know, are very desirable but instinctively monogamous
Trigger-happy Communists used the Durian to torture the Japanese.

The Durian easily converted the sagacious Chinese
The well-webbed thorny Durian is not bad or mad or dangerous
Trigger-happy Communists used the Durian to torture the Japanese
We know its smell is not from hell, it is paradisically delicious.

The well-webbed thorny Durian is not bad or mad or dangerous
Higamous hogamous the Durian is at the old man's left heel
We know its smell is not from hell, it is aphrodisically delicious
The Old Man of Penang pleads with the Durian, "Please please me."

Dato’ Yunus Raiss
M.Ed, Barrister, Dip TEFL, Dip Edu Research
6th July 2017


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